When the SAFE isn’t safe.

If you are an entrepreneur in Kenya or any other ecosystem, you must have come across a SAFE as a vehicle for fundraising. SAFE is an accronym meaning Simple Agreements For Future Equity. The concept of a SAFE was popularized by the Y combinator Community. A SAFE as the accronym suggests is a secure way […]

Fri, 14 Jun 2024 13:28:21 +0000
3 mins to read
The Uber man from Osu.

The story never gets old.I recently took a short break and visited Accra the land of the Ashanti people. As fate would have it, it was a hot and humid stay. I, however, enjoyed taking trips around the city eyeing the breathtaking historical sights( ghana has plenty of these). The feeling of being lost in the crowded streets of […]

Fri, 14 Jun 2024 12:28:05 +0000
3 mins to read
Taking the Reigns.

I grew up in the friendly confines of rural Kenya, and all the while, my young self got to largely be exposed to both the profession and entrepreneurial worlds. My mother is a career woman. She dedicated her life to government service first as an admin secretary in the ministry of health and later on, […]

Mon, 29 Jan 2024 13:34:36 +0000
3 mins to read